Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Acid Rain!

Things seem to feel better once you get rolling. When my alarm went off and I heard rain, I was close to staying under the covers. There is a certain excitement I feel about putting on the rain cape and embrocation, the tools to steal a ride when civilized thought tells you to stay inside. While not a picturesque morning, the rain added to the experience and hard-man feeling you get when the citizens look at you like you are crazy to be out in inclement weather. After meeting Kevin and Andrew for coffee we spun through rush hour traffic. Like the motorists, we were also on our way to work, clocking in at Acid Hill.
Acid Hill is the climb north of Mayflower dorm shooting off of Dubuque St. It serves up a 200m ramp from Dubuque to a switchback which gets steeper and then another hump up to the mailbox finish line. The road is enclosed by a canopy of trees which is uncommon around here, so it adds to the fantasy of being somewhere exotic, like being on Acid.
The TCRs were smooth and confident on the way down after each rep up the hill.
My goal was to get my HR in the high 180s and keep good pedaling form when things got tough.
Halfway through the set, things feel primed, but those last ones can be a bear if you have gone too hard in the early intervals.
Wam! last one done, cruising home. A great morning with friends riding bikes. It's gonna be a great day.

Monday, June 7, 2010

The Iowa City contingent is gathering at "the Palace #2" early in the am for coffee and then hitting up some hill repeats. Should be a beautiful morning out on bikes with friends.